June 4, 2008

Sue's Swim School

This summer, Jeff and his bestest girl, Faith, are learning to be safe in the pool. They are both taking private lessons at Sue's Swim School. It is a no-nonsense environment where they learn quickly how to be safe in a pool. Jeff and Faith really love it there, and they are BOTH doing so well! "The Moms" (as they call us) are so proud of them! Here are a couple quick pics taken through the fence...but you get the idea!

And here is one of Jeff after we got home from swim school yesterday...I love this part!;)

1 comment:

Melinda Bunker said...

AWWW...you really captured our kids with their teachers yesterday Sarah- love it! And you gave a nice "plug" to SSS- you should send/email her those pics! Love the last one too when JJ is crashed after class.