June 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Jeffrey!

So today, my "baby" turns 5. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone. He was actually born on a Sunday morning, so this year I'm feeling even more sentimental. The combination of his birthday falling on the day of the week that he was born and also being a major milestone birthday is making me reminisce in a major way...

Of course there will be pictures, but first let me tell you about my kiddo. I think he's amazing. He is so smart, so funny, so sweet - tenderhearted and sensitive. He gets squirrelly when he is tired...or just because. He is strong. He loves his family and his transformers equally.

He does have a VERY special relationship with his Grandma...he takes after his Mommy that way. His favorite place to hang out with Grandpa is the "rocket ship" more commonly known as Grandpa's closet. He also loves to spend time with Grandpa is his office, and says he will be a preacher someday too. He thinks Grandpa should preach about how great bananas are.

He thinks his Daddy is the biggest and strongest man in the world. We'll let him think that, because one day not long from now, he will be the stronger one I am sure. He looks up to his Uncle Joel and his Uncle Jeff, he loves to call them and tell them he misses them. ;) He will tell you that Uncle Jeff teases him, and Uncle Joel visits in the summer and at Christmas, and they are BOTH his favorite uncle.

I know without a doubt that he loves his Mommy - he tells me out of the blue at least a couple times a day. I cherish that, because as fast as the first five years have gone, I know the next five will go even faster. He won't always stop to say "I love you Mommy" just because he wants to. He won't even want to call me "Mommy" for much longer, I am sure! He's the best, he's my little buddy, and I can't imagine life without him. I am so blessed to have him as a son. I think I'm the luckiest mom in the whole world. :)

Happy Birthday Jeffrey James Metz! I love you!

Ok, now for the pics...please note that not all of these were taken by me, and some are snapshots, and some are scans...so no critiquing these, ok?! ;)

Happy Birthday Jeffer! I'm so proud of you!


Melinda Bunker said...

Happy 5th Birthday JJ!
Brian,Melinda,Faith & Grace

Sweet Melissa said...


you are soo sweet! I love your post! Jeffrey is sooo cute and soo sweet! You are blessed with a great young boy. =)

I hope he had an awesome 5th birthday!


Cathy Hengst Photography said...

Sarah I can not believe sweet Jeff is 5! I hope he had a wonderful birthday! I miss ya!